“Where, O death, is your victory?
Where, O death, is your sting?”
1 Cor. 15:55
New Creation
New Community
New Church
He is risen! The tomb is empty! Death is defeated! We are free from the power of sin to live new lives for God’s kingdom! Spring is here!
So… Now what? We hear the words of resurrection, but much like the
disciples, it’s hard to believe; especially when the bitter colds of winter re-main. Especially when the sin of the world still weighs so hard on our hearts and minds. Especially when the suffering of death remains and is keenly felt. As nice as new life sounds, and as much as we WANT to believe that spring is here, the obvious evidence to the contrary can be overwhelming.

He is risen!
He is risen indeed!
Pastor Andy
Andy’s Worship Schedule:
7 -- Pastor Andy will be at New Parish Retreat
14 -- “The Adventure of Easter Continues: Now And Forever”
John 20:19-31; Revelation 1:4-9
21 -- “Out of the Depths”
Psalm 30; Acts 9:1-6
28 -- “Free Praise”
Psalm 148; Acts 11:1-18
5 -- “Sent to Bless”
Acts 16:9-15; Psalm 67
12 -- Mother’s Day: “A Mighty Mother”
Matthew 23:37; Psalm 139