Below are some of your comments of what is special about this season:

Rita Baker  --  Brightened faith and love
Mazie Bingenheimer  --  Being with family/friends...helping others
Violet Brubaker  --  Jesus' birth…family get-togethers
Riley Cottle  --  Giving
Brandon Defibaugh  --  Giving
Connie Dick  --  Magical time of the year
Alan Drenning  --  Prophecy fulfilled
Fay Furry  --  Jesus' coming…family
Marian Grassmyer  --  Christmas carols
Della Mae Grubb  --  Family togetherness
Ray Grubb  --  Having family home for Christmas
Ryan & Megan Hall  --  Keeping CHRIST in Christmas
Janelle Helsel  --  Faith, family, friends
Sherrie Mock  --  Christmas decorating
Jeffie Singo  --  Reflection
George & Carol Snyder  --  Celebration of Jesus' birthday…Family time
Naomi Sollenberger  --  The Nativity Scene